Download this Aprilia RS660 workshop manual and receive a huge amount of data, photos, illustrations, technical know how, troubleshooting and repair tips to help you out with any RS660 problem. This Aprilia RS660 manual is the same manual used by your local Aprilia dealer, so why not cut out the middle man and attempt some DIY and save a considerable amount the money, along with gaining a sense of achievement.
Whatever the problem you may face, be it the common problem or even a electrical fault, this manual should be able to help you out, with your current difficulty or even future issues that will occur. Future proof any repair on your Aprilia by downloading this RS660 manual.
Why do you need a Aprilia RS660 repair manual?
Motoring is increasingly getting more and more expensive, alongside parts costs spiralling, labour charges set by your local dealer are also on the increase, and in most cases brunt most of the cost of a repair to your RS660. By downloading this Aprilia RS660 service manual, you can eradicate most of those costs, and depending on how confident you feel, our service manuals can remove all labour/service costs from your maintenance bill. It may be worth noting our manuals take you step by step through any repair, and assume that you (the owner), know little or nothing about auto mechanics.
Areas covered in this manual include General Information, Periodic Maintenance, Fuel System, Cooling System, Engine Lubrication System, Engine Removal & Installation, Crankshaft & Gearbox, Wheels, Tyres, Brakes, Suspension, Frame, Electrical System, Fault Finding, Traction Control, ABS and much much more.
What To Expect When You Download The Aprilia RS660 Workshop Manual?
Our manual cover near every possible area of repair, service or repair on your motorcycle, although these manuals are used within Aprilia to aid their mechanics with repairs, they are simple step by step instructions on how to get your motorcycle back on the road.
- Transmission unit
- Timing and valves
- Lubrication system
- Exhaust system
- Cylinders and pistons
- Gearbox
- Battery Location
- Belt change
- Cooling system
- Front wheel
- Front suspension
- Rear wheel
- Rear suspension
- Hydraulic brakes
- Coolant capacity
- Charging system and generator
- Ignition system
- Control unit
- Lights and instrument panel
- Cancelling the “Service” indicator on the instrument panel
- Checking the engine oil level
- Changing the engine oil and filter cartridge
- Checking valve clearances
- Adjusting valve clearances
- Checking the coolant level
- Exhaust Pipes
- Changing the coolant
- Changing the fuel filter
- Changing the air filter
- Changing the brake fluid
- Draining the brake circuits
- Filling the brake circuits
- Changing the clutch fluid
- Draining the clutch circuit
- Refilling the clutch circuit
- Steering angle adjustment
- Adjusting the front brake and clutch levers
- Adjusting chain tension
- Checking brake pad wear
- Changing brake pads
- Adjusting the throttle and choke cables
- Adjusting the position of the gear change and rear
- Brake pedals
- Adjusting the front fork
- Adjusting the rear shock absorber
- Adjusting setup
- Removing lower side fairings
- Reassembling lower side fairings
- Removing the complete fairings
- Reassembling the complete fairings
- Removing the front shield
- Reassembling the front shield
- Wiring diagram
- Plus much more
PAGES : 400 +
YEARS : 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023
COMPATIBLE: Windows Operating System